
What's new in Timeular 2.2

Updated over a week ago

New features πŸŽ‰

  • Finally, tags can be edited and deleted (we know!). Just hover with your mouse over a tag in the dropdown and there you go. Time to clean up. 🧹

  • For Pro users: You wanted a chart showing you exactly how much time you have spent on #this and #that or meeting with @Alice? Tadaaa! It's right there in the recently polished analytics view. πŸ“Š

  • While you previously couldn't use tags to filter your analytics, now you can. Time to dive deep into your tracking data and refresh your view about your time spent. It's hot out there anyway. πŸ”¬

  • For Windows users: Great news - no need to keep cookies πŸͺ for the IT administrator by the desk any more. From now on updates can be installed automatically without the need for administration rights.Β 

  • Do you remember the all new bar chart showing you the best bars in town? Now you'll see how much time you've spent there right on top. Cheers (again)! 🍻

  • Our export and filter functionality disliked each other so much that the export kept ignoring what the filter was saying. Now they are close friends and actually work together. Yay! 🀝

  • For Pro users: After some polishing the most requested integration for Timeular is finally ready. Welcome Harvest! Connect Timeular to your Harvest account and don't transfer anything manually again.

Fixed 🐞

  • A couple little fixes and improvements under the hood to improve your daily Timeular experience.

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