
What's new in Timeular 4.1.0

Updated over a week ago

Released: 04/11/2021

Fixed 🐞

  • We fixed a bug where the Quicktrack note would not be saved when the tracking was stopped via the Quicktrack "Stop tracking" keyboard shortcut.

  • The time entries were cut off in the Insights Time Entries table when a username spanned over two or more lines so we limited usernames to one line

  • We fixed a bug where the tooltips, that indicate why you can't delete your account, would not display when the "Delete Account" button in the Account Settings page was hovered.

  • The App Settings page was not scrollable on smaller screens so we made it scrollable.

  • We removed the "Plan" section from the Account Settings page since we now display your details in the sidebar.

  • We centered the layout of the Activate Account page.

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