
What's new in Timeular 5.0

Updated over a week ago

Released: 25.07.2022

New features πŸŽ‰

  • We've added a hover indicator on the resizable sidebar border, so it can be discovered more easily πŸ’‘

  • We've adjusted the width of the tag/mentions dropdown in QuickTrack ↔️

  • We've improved the way we sort tracking suggestions in QuickTrack πŸ•

  • We've added an 'undo' keyboard shortcut (CTRL/CMD + Z) for the note input

Fixed 🐞

  • Some users were experiencing a faulty behaviour while dragging time entries in the Calendar view. It should not be the case anymore ‴️➑️‡️

  • We've fixed a bug where not all time entries were included in the PDF export πŸ“„

  • We've made our lifetime subscription management simpler and more intuitive πŸ’³

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